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johnlucas said:
cbarroso09 said:

"the once dominant Nintendo handhelds", I like it that way. Then they won't know what hit them hard.
first, neither google nor apple make games. None develop their hardware thinking on games performance.
None know 1/10 of what Nintendo knows about gaming trends.
30 years...

Say It LOUD!!
Tell 'Em AGAIN!!

It's like you took this right out of my own mind!!
Underestimating Nintendo is a fool's errand & so many love to play the fool.

Sony thought they were taking portable gaming out of the "handheld gaming ghetto" 8 years ago.
Today they have essentially waved the white flag on their portable endeavors...
...while Nintendo's still here making a killing with their handhelds like always.

This is the gamemaker's field & Nintendo's the Master Gamemaker.
Many shall enter. Only one shall remain.
John Lucas

I just may add if there is a game market "crash" it will be because of Apple, they could care less about the market itself. Just look at how they handle their market place and the pile of gaming refuuse that clogs the app store. If they were serious about the game market they would first clean up the App Store and start policing what gets put on it better. Right now for every good title there is twenty-to-thirty titles are garbage and predtory "free-to-play" games. Google is no better.

Looking at how those two handle games reminds me how Atari handled the market in the early 80's, actually it's much worse then Atari when you factor in the rip off games. You have any two bit developer who pays the $90 or so entrance fee to get their cash-in title, that usually have a preditory market place add in the hopes there will be some child or idiot who will pony up so they will rake in some cash. They allow blantent IP infringments and only take them down when there is an open threat of litigation. There is no QA and no oversight. And there has been senetors already wanting to "look" into these practices. And once the problems with the budget are ironed out for the next quarter, there is no better way to win the "resepect" of the ignorant masses then to go on a crusade against the evil game industry.

Kotaku has some industry quotes every week, and I think it was last week. (Can't look it up now the site is down.) But there was a indie developer talking in hyperbole that indies are making an exodus from the mobile market to PC and Console because there just isn't money in that market. (Ok it wasn't exactly what they said but they said they wouldn't touch the mobile market with a 10-foot pole.)

It just scares me what will happen if Apple EVER became more than a me too accesory to the market.

I"m tired so sorry about any spelling or grammar errors.