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Hynad said:

I am currently playing Wind Waker HD on my Wii-U and I'm having a blast. But after some extended time spent on its extensive sea, I was disappointed to see the console is having a hard time keeping up when it comes to draw distance. Pop-ins are still prevalent. Now, the game isn't a simple port and they've updated a lot of the assets in the game. But I've noticed a few slow-down here and there, and those pop-ins shouldn't have been there in the first place.

The game still looks gorgeous and is the definitive version in my book. But it's a shame the Wii-U couldn't allow the team to fix all the problems the original had as far as visuals are concerned.

To be fair, the original was made for 3D:

Just download the 3D screenshots of the original Wind Waker onto your 3DS using the Web Browser, or at least view them.

I guess you have to convert 2D into 3D for the definitive version after reading what you said.

The link I posted is also in my signature, LOL.


Is that Man of Steel 3D trailer in 2D in your Sig?

Im glad I saw in in IMAX 3D, for the theater format of the 3D effect, from what I heard, but the 3D Blu-Rays always do these movies justice. (not League, LOL)