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Ponyless said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
Ponyless said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

By the time it hits 10 million, this website might not even be up, or we may not use it - we're talking at least 3 years IF sales reamain like this (which they won't due to super heavy competition).

You stated earlier in the thread that you don't even believe it'll be supported by stores in 6months- 1 year, it'll become readily apparent that it won't sell 10 mil if no stores sells it, no? So cmon, i'm giving you a free sig, after all i'm just being delusional and denying facts aren't i? 

Or just being right and watching all the tears on this forum will be more than enough for me as I really a) don't care about sigs b) don't use this forum enough to care or feel that I have something to prove.

hahaha you're that scared to stick with your prediction huh? alright tell yourself whatever you want, not a single person on this website, even some of the most hardcore sony/microsoft fans, believes that wii u will sell under 10 mil, hell most expect it to pass that by next year. But then i guess maybe those sony/microsoft fans are just secretely delusional nintendo fans huh :/?

Or most people who are good at analysing facts are not on this forum. It is also hilariously sad that you think someone is "scared" of their forum sig being changed. I think that says a lot about the value you place on yours. Either way, anyone who thinks the WiiU will somehow more than double its sales by this time next year is probably serving me Starbucks rather than buying one.