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tbone51 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
tbone51 said:

TheJimbo1234 said:

 It is hilarious yet scary how people compare the WiiU to everything else. NOTHING (as in major console - why do people compare it to a handheld? It's a totally different market) has sold this badly for this long before. The PS3 was never removed from stock, and we know bad sales for this long will end up a problem eg. the dreamcast...yet that shifted 10 million units in 2 years. The WiiU looks set to fall short of that my a long, long margin.


Why do people compare Console and Handhelds Hmmmm.? Oh yeah they both are gaming devices (made to play games so use phones as an excuse). It just seems your writing off WiiU as dead and their is no hope? Nintendo has been getting hate for years now, I heard same thing with 3DS, yes WiiU worse selling, Losing Retail Support/No third Party Support, but guess what Nintendo has...? Yes Exclusives that will sell no matter what, It has 3DS making a profit. WiiU isnt going nowhere, in a few years it'll sell 15-20mil+ and you'll compare it to ps4 sales cuz there isnt anything better to do right? People Who believe Nintendo Is done and out have another one coming to them, GCN/DS/3DS all did well nuff said. 

Handhelds and consoles are two different markets, lumping them together is the same as lumping every car together, eg family saloons, sports cars, super cars etc...which would be retarded. 

Oh I'm sorry, but at what point do you think I should write the WiiU off then? When its sales are a histroic low for a new console? Check. Shops stop stocking it? Check. When all of the above happen yet market conditions were perfect for it to thrive (and that is about to end)? Check. So yea, I think writing it off is in fact common sense at this point as all the evidence would back that up.

It's exlcusives will only sell to the hardcore nintendo gamer who unsurprisingly already owns the WiiU. Also that Nintendo gamer will tend to buy all the exlcuives rather than a set few as the library is so limited. Take racing games on the Wii. Mario Karts sold so well as that was about the only racing game on it. You didn't have the variety of the other consoles eg. Forza, GT, CM Rally etc. You just had that. Want an rpg? Well it is Zelda or...Zelda.

Also where the hell did you pull 15-20mill from? Thin air? Ah yup - that's the one. You have the facts on this very website yet you some how think its sales will magically quadruple when other consoles come out. That is just crazy.

⇒Also where the hell did you pull 15-20mill from? Thin air? Ah yup - that's the one. 

⇒ So yea, I think writing it off is in fact common sense at this point as all the evidence would back that up.

Ok fine, It wont sell anymore Nintendo Should just completely stop the console, ok this is why you never be able to make big decisions cuz you dont fight back. Nintendo has the biggest franchises (im talking about overall so dont try to low swipe me by saying GTA/COD cuz i know they are bigger) and you think they'll go out? Ok im officially done with this. You make it sound like WiiU dont have a chance to even sell 10mil lifetime. 

If you want nintendo to die so badly thats on you, i'll laugh later on just like i did wen i heard nintendo died with GCN/DS/3DS..... See Ya in a few years LMAO

At this rate, it may not sell 10 million in its lifetime. You are just in denial about the numbers. In 8 months, WITHOUT competition, it has only sold 1.05 million units. In total it has only sold 3.3 million, with most of that being on Christmas launch. 

So at that rate, how many years will it take for it to reach 10 million units? Because 2 years looks oh so optimisitic, and 15-20 million is just delusional.

The franchises are all very old. Do they appeal to the mass market anymore? A market who love GTA and CoD? Well looking at sales, it looks like they do not.

Now stop treating the company like a religion as some infallible entity and look at the facts objectively......then reply.