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attaboy said:
i liked it. especially the part where ioi ghost battled that woman. how much of a hand id you have in the development of that film? from my point of view, it was impressive. not sure how the competition is, though. looks like something that could be shown on tv. pbs, at the very least.

I was the producer so I was involved in every single aspect of the project. I optioned the script from the writing department, worked with the writer on over 8 drafts. I sent out the audition notifications, watched almost 100 demo reels held the auditions with my director. Hired the set decorator, wardrobe designer , composer other then the 1st & 2nd AD the Director and DP I hired them all. Working with two other producing students we handled all of the budgeting, legal checks, set dec, catering, licensing overseeing prop purchase. 

On production day I made sure the set and production was running under Act Safe BC regulations, made sure the green room was taken care of and each actor got the attention they deserved. Ensured the crew was fed and had everything they needed assisted the director in preparing each scene. 

Then their was two months of post production in which I hired and ran the VFX, Sound, editing and colour compositing teams. Handled the marketing plan, distribution plan the premier and the after party. Handled press releases and am currently trying to get it into festivals but I am working on my final project a television series pitch package that I intend to submit to the CW.

Also the entire production cost only 1,500$ and involved almost 200 people over 6 months. 


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer