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foxtail said:
retroking1981 said:
For people saying Nintendo have dropped the Wii support wise can yoy honestly name some SNES games that came out after N64, or 64 after Cube etc?

Here are some bigger SNES games that came out the same year as the transition to the N64:

  • Final Fight 3
  • Lufia 2
  • Mega Man X3
  • Prince of Persia 2
  • Tetris Attack
  • Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
  • Super Mario RPG


Here's another partial list of SNES games that came out after the N64's release that I found on another board.  It uses the Japanese release date of the system and the earliest release dates for each game. - source

For 1996:

  • Marvelous: Mohitotsu no Takarajima (Nintendo)
  • Donkey Kong Country 3 (Nintendo)
  • Winter Gold (Nintendo)

For 1997:

  • Itoi Shigesato no Bass Tsuri No. 1 (Nintendo)
  • Bushi Seiryuuden: Futari no Yuusha (Game Freak)

For 1998:

  • Wrecking Crew '98 (Nintendo)
  • Super Famicom Wars (Nintendo)

For 1999:

  • Power Lode Runner (Nintendo)
  • Power Soukoban (Nintendo)
  • Sutte Hakkun (cartridge version, Nintendo)
  • Kirby no KiraKira Kids (Nintendo)

For 2000:

  • Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 (Nintendo)
  • Metal Slader Glory: Director's Cut (HAL Labs)

I appreciate the effort you've gone to for this but what I meant by Nintendo games  was games made by Nintendo themselves not 3rd parties. FIFA 2014 is coming out on Wii for example so it's still getting 'supported', just not by Nintendo themselves.

The games you listed initially were all made by 3rd parties with the possible exception of Tetris?

The second list refers to Japanese release dates as you stated and looking at the list I can't see many that left Japan and only 3 I'd call big games: Fire Emblem, SFC Wars and DKC3 and even that was made by Rare.

I'm from the UK and I honestly don't think any Nintendo made game came out after the N64 launch which was Marich '97. DKC3 and Street Fighter Alpha 2 were the last two high profile games and they were both Dec 1996 and neither of those were even made by Nintendo.

I'm not sure how it worked out for the US market but Japan seemed to get more support, although I have no idea about what most of those games were.

N64 and Gamecube were infinitely worse than SNES for this anyway so I'm still suprised people are moaning about Nintendo not supporting the Wii now that Wii U is out, they've been dropping support for older systems like this for generations. My point still stands that this is because its much harder/time consuming/more expensive to make a 3D game than it is to knock out Wreckin' Crew 98 for example.

Just look at the NES, games were so easy and cheap to make for that they were still bringing out new IP's (Kirby) post SNES.

I think it shows how much gaming has changed in a way. Back in the 8Bit days people still acitively played the older consoles. The Lion King for example came out on every system going. Both Nintendo and Sega 8Bits, handhelds and 16Bits. That was in 1994! That just wouldn't happen now.

Look at the OG XBOX, MS dropped that overnight! I know that won't happen with 360 but at the same time its not gonna be no PlayStation. Lets be honest here Sony are the KINGS of supporting HW after its time in the sun.