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PlayMatt said:
tbone51 said:
PlayMatt said:
curl-6 said:
PlayMatt said:

It's still a Video-Game, it doesn't matter if you can play it at your home, hotel or bus.


Using YOUR own words:

Yes, it's still a PS VITA, because the hardware has not been altered.

The hardware has been altered though.

Just like 3DS -> 3DS XL -> 2DS

why do people make a 2ds comparison? XL is a larger version of 3DS, 2DS is a clam less shell design without 3D screen. Vita and new Vita model is the same with the new model having a gig memory/lcd screen/smaller. PSV TV is a completly different hardware that plays vita games as well as many other feats. You cant compare it. 2DS does everything a 3ds does. PSV TV doesn't expect play vita games. Its not portable, its no buttons/etc

SAME hardware, SAME OS with no screen and with another controller.

 "no screen and with another controller"  Also not a handheld anymore. Im telling you bro, if sony never added the name vita to it, i bet nobody would say it was a vita But wateves! It'll sell well no doubt