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burninmylight said:

To be fair to the 3-D games, having a ton of enemies on the screen at the same time was impossible/unfeasible during the N64's day. The first real-time game that ran at least 30fps, wasn't on-rails and featured a bunch of enemies consisting of more than one polygon that you can think of is probably the only one. Majora's Mask needed the expansion pack, and it's not like that game ever threw a bunch of significant enemies at you at once.

Things didn't get much better with the 128-bit era either (throwing the Wii in there too), but with Aonuma's focus on making the games easier for casual players and newcomers, I doubt they would have unleashed the horde on Link if they had the power to.

With Hero Mode open from the start on WWHD and non-linearity a focus in ALBW, I'm getting the feeling Nintendo is finally getting back to taking care of longtime Zelda fans. I didn't enjoy Zelda 1, 2 and ALttP so much for their dungeon designs as I did the feeling of actually having to survive like a mo'fo' and make the most of the resources I was given. I felt like I was John McClain in Die Hard, and damn did it feel good to ass kicked a few times before finally figuring it out. I'm like Dengle, I don't see what all the fuss for non-linearity is about, but if they have to make the dungeon designs easier in the process, then they better make everything else tougher and less forgiving to make up for it.

Skyward Sword's near last sequence had like 30 enemies on screen at once. (Though I think AI was dumbed down a bit) Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)