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Yea! They have Finally Listened To Me!

But even, better - with not just the P90X guy but also Tracy Anderson, Jillian Michaels, and Shaun T.! This is another Killer App for the Xbox One.

As Adinnieken pointed out, Fitness is a huge industry and people pay good money for home fitness equipment, DVD's of routines, etc. but this one could change and customize more towards your goals and needs than other ones. Plus, they could add new routines, experiences, training, wow, this could exceed my expectations.

This is *HUGE* I know some people don't see the point, but I love my Wii Fit - it was great, I even had the nearly 3.8 million selling EA Sports workout when I got tired of the Fit ones (and also got Wii Fit+). But other than actually weighing you, Kinect kills it in every way (and can calculate your weight rather accurately too!)

I haven't seen anything in WiiFitU that makes me think of it as a challenger. You can't even jump in the jumping games on the Balance Board - yet you can dance and move all over the place with Kinect. Wii Fit was a great start, but it’s left behind now like an Atari 2600.

This will place the Xbox One as a great seller even on things like QVC - now before you gamers scream in horror, remember the more consoles sold, the more potential for more people to buy and play games. The more developers and producers make - the more games get made.

This is another reason why I am glad they stuck to their guns about a Kinect 2.0 being in every Xbox One box.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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