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irstupid said:

Nintendo doesn't use Blu Ray.  

Blu Ray was anti-consumer last gen if kinect is this gen.  It was an extra added that was NOT needed.  PS3 could have still worked with a dvd drive instead of blu ray.  The Blu Ray drive was an un-NEEDed expense.  It was not NEEDED.  No arguing over if it was a good thing or wanted, the fact was it was not NEEDED to play games.  A cheaper alternative would have worked (dvd drive) or any drive, hell Nintendo hasn't ever even had a dvd drive.  Not sure what you call them, but they have never been able to play dvd's or blu rays or any type of movie format.

So is adding something not NEEDED anti-consumer?


is what you guys seem to be arguing "Whatever I don't like is anti-consumer"  You liked blu ray and thus thinks its a bonus gift, you don't like kinect and thus think its anti-consumer.  So OPINION it is.   But difference is, some games REQUIRE kinect to play.  No games require blu ray to play.

How many times do I need to repeat myself before people like you get the picture?

1. no one said kinect was anti consumer

2. If blu-ray was not needed last gen then niether was 512mb of RAM last gen and 4gb of RAM this gen... but that argument is 100% asinine and no one would make it. Ps3 would not have worked without a disc drive. Everyone would agree with that. Making it a blu-ray play is the equivalent of adding 4gb of RAM. It's a natural progression and expected upgrade to a following console. Just like I expect i-phone 6 to have something new