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small44 said:
tbone51 said:
small44 said:
curl-6 said:
small44 said:
curl-6 said:
No, because Vita TV isn't the Vita. It's not a handheld and should not count as Vita sales.

PSVita and PSVita Tv share the same OS,the same menu and the same game so it should count like a vita

Vita is a handheld, Vita TV is essenially a micro-console.

It dosn't matter they are still both a Vita,if you chance the box of a ps3 it will still a ps3 because it has the same os,the same menu and the same games

then WiiU would count with Wii Sales. It has the same menu's as well

Can you play wii u game on your wii?

Oh snap, lol.

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PSN ID: atylerman5