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Just can't be helped can it....?

Every single Forza thread I have ever seen here turns into a Forza vs GT debate. One side mad that their game doesn't get as much critical acclaim, the other side mad that their game doesn't sell gangbusters. One side talk up physics, the other side talks up features. Blablabla and so on and so forth.

Guess what. They're both the best in class at what they do. GT is best pure simulation racer on any system. Forza is the best all around racing game on any system. My god it's ridiculous how defensive people get about rival exclusives, and will start trying to pick out any little flaw and advantage on some of the most critically acclaimed franchises.

We all get how this works by now don't we? Xbox fans swear by Forza, Sony fans swear by GT, and yet somehow everyone constantly feels they have to explain to the other side that their shit is better.

Nobody is ever gonna win that argument. EVER.