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America is definitely more conservative than most other developed nations...

It amazes me how many people, in this day and age, still have trouble coming to grips with this "gay" issue.  

But then, it's something that comes with age.  In high school, I also thought homosexuality is something that the media put too much emphasis on.  And when you turn on the news you see these gay parades and it just makes you think these people are just pretending to be gay when they're really not.

Along came college--and as you get to meet more people, you get opened up to new ideas.  There are a lot more homosexual individuals than I thought there are, and I was esepcially surprised to learn that one of my closest friend is a homosexual.  (He always seems a little "gay", but I never put much thought in it).  I learnt that whatever views I had held previously was just based on reasoning in the abstract and little else.

It bewilders me that there are still people in staunch anti-gay hate camps.  For some reason, whatever they had been taught was so ingrained in them they cannot even be accepting.  On a shallow psychologically level it's not so hard to understand, since people tend to stay away from people and things they can't comprehend.  That's a indication of something amiss in their education.  I find it rather disheartening that America, the richest nation in the world, fails in this regard.

Granted, it's more of a trend in some of the more conservative states.  But it's still utterly stunning that these things can happen somewhere on US soil.  


the Wii is an epidemic.