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No. Why is it that when a 3rd-rate blog releases the same story we all heard days ago with its own half-baked commentary added in, suddenly we treat it like new information? Look at the post. There's nothing new here -- just the same vague promotion on the back of the game manual. Oh, and they have "reports" and "sources" that say things may be further along than we thought. Reports and sources that they can't identify, or link to, of course. Was this the same blog that "broke" the story about the godawful fake Shadow of the Colossus 2 screenshot? The methods of journalism sure seem familiar.

"Coming soon" has never meant "this year," especially in these days of 3-year+ development cycles. If the game were ready to launch so soon, we would've seen screenshots and videos of it a year ago. Remember how ugly things were looking for the PS3 last year? If they had anything in a state worth showing, they would have shown it by now. Instead, it hasn't even been officially announced yet.

I expect we'll get our first glimpse of GoW3 at Gamers' Day or one of the other events this spring. But the game itself will launch in 2009 -- if we're lucky.