Kane1389 said:
nuckles87 said:
I don't know why you are quoting "open minded progressive" when I never said I was. I just believe in treating everyone with respect. I just acknowledge that sexuality is more complicated then what's between your legs.
I don't have the energy or the patience to repeat myself or go more in depth right now.Given that I am faaaaaaaaaaar from educated on the subject, I'm going to give you chance to educate me. I'm going to give you one final chance to actually make your case: give me an example of a neurobiological disorder causing someone to think they are, from before they are even out of the womb, Napoleon or royalty. Explain it to me how these are the same thing. That's what I've been asking from you since the beginning, and so far all I've gotten is closed minded nonsense. I want you to give me a well reasoned, scientific argument.
And this is exactly what I wanted from you from the beginning. Thank you. You've given me something to chew over. I'm still not sure what personality disorder would cause someone to think they are Napoleon, but I'm sure you can enlighten me on that as well.
I, regardless, think such things have little to do with respect how someone sees oneself sexually, but at the very least I've learned a little more about transexuality.