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ninjablade said:
JoeTheBro said:

Don't get too crazy. The Wii U is actually a fair bit stronger than the current gen. The difference is devs have had 8 years to learn the nooks and crannies of the ps360 while only having a year with the wii u. By the time current gen systems are getting their last multiplat games, the wii u version will be much closer to the xbone port. Nintendo made a fairly strong system, X just isn't showing it.

yes i do believe wiiu is slightly better hardware then currentgen but its been a year since the wiiu is out, and ports continue to be inferior on it, and games are still not looking like the best of currentgen imo, heck i still havent even seen a wiiu game with great AA and the system is been out for a year, atleast if it could do currentgen games with out jaggies/higher frame rate then i might be convinced that wiiu is a step up. i believe nintendo made a very weak console, why the heck would devs say its slighty better or on par with currentgen.

The Wii U is more than slightly better hardware. It's a pretty good bump.

Also look at PS3. It's slightly better hardware than the 360 and 7 years later it still has lots of inferior ports. Your logic is severely lacking.

If you haven't even seen a wii u game with great AA, then that explains everything! You obviously don't have a Wii U.

To really explain why you're wrong, look at the tons of devs saying both PS4 and XBONE are on par. Do you believe them in that case too, or only with the Wii U?

Note: PS4 and XBONE are far from being on par lol.