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Once you beat it(side quests included), its a tad boring. I absolutely loved GTA 5, the bank robberies/heists are some of the most fun I've had in gaming. It was absolutely over the top fun, and one of the best games of the year.

Now perhaps I did myself a disservice by rampaging through the game and ignoring my studies, but it was just so much fun! So now that I've beaten it there really isn't anything interesting to do, there is zero incentive for me to keep playing. I mean skydiving, base jumping, races, biking, golf are all good and fun but you do it once you've done it a thousand times. The stock market is cool and all, but I have 50 million and nothing really notable to buy after you purchase a few cars, a boat, a plane and a tank for Trevor.

I just wish there was more bulk to the game after the cutscenes, like having gang wars in a certain area where you can join in, have the ability to purchase cribs, upgrade and maintain your companies, rinse and repeat bank robberies, turn your crib into a fortress of destruction and lure the police to your house, I wish I could phone some of my homies to ride a long with me to take part in killing everyone and everything(like in Saints Row).

Its an all around great game, I just don't have any major incentive to play single player anymore now that the games over for me. Any idea's or recommendations? Anyway can't wait until GTA Online in a few weeks.