DonFerrari on 21 September 2013
Gamegears said:
DonFerrari said:
Gamegears said:
DonFerrari said:
BuckStud said:
Anyone who thinks this women should be fired for her comments is an insecure little boy who has yet to live in the real word. I'm a man, not a boy in high school and I agree, games like these tend to demean women. Is a comment like that really worth getting in a huge tissy over?
Maybe she should also try living in the real world, go talk to the gangsters and see how much respect they have for women or life in general.
Maybe a few people need to try and live in the real world.. where women have a right to have a opinion.. and reviewers have the right to score whatever it is they are reviewing according to their opinions.. whether said people like it or not..
Well the person have the right to say what he want, and people have the right to complain about that, so what are you talking about?
People have the right to complain.. but complaining is not the same as name calling.. and calling for a persons job and making nasty videos ... either... there has to be a line.. and to many people are willing to cross it on something like this... in addition.. you know.. the people could act maturely and.. I don't know silently ignore the review.. and move on.. I mean really.. yes she has a opinion you find along with others unagreeable... but to be honest.. despite that.. did she really totally trash the game.. not really.. as a matter of fact she gave it a 9.. which is the farthest thing from trashing it... so really.. what are we talking about?? 1 point... 1 little point.. and everyone has a right to call for her to lose her job.. to sit and make fun of her on some sites.. and to make just plain bad videos?? 1 opinion and 1 point... leads to all that immaturity... come on.. honestly... and your defending this?? *Sigh* no wonder gamers get a bad rep..
Agree with you... And for me she could give a 5,0 and I wouldn't care since I don't play GTA or like it... she is wrong on her motives and justification, and people exagerating on the discussion are also wrong... be mature and say she is biased and using wrong arguments, and if the company thinks she is being unprofessional them dismiss her, no need for all the flames (and its possible that she/he done all that for clicks and the company would be really happy with all the bizz that generated.).