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"Dudebros" are essentially dorks who are trying to emulate the style of people who are actually cool. They can't think for themselves, and are as a rule followers lacking any kind of creativity or ingenuity. They're the type of people who wear a backwards cap even though they aren't hip, watch UFC even though they're afraid of ever actually fighting, and talk about girls - or hang up posters of girls - they claim they would have sex with, even though their sexual experience ranges from highly limited to non-existant and their chances with the girls they talk about is non-existant.

These types are the primary target audience for games about MMA, Sports simulations, and military first person shooters - because these are the type of people who only fantasize about that kind of stuff and don't actually do any of it. They tend to think of themselves as being in the same category as athletes, cool people, and active military guys - but in reality they're dorks desperately hiding behind a facade.

That is the "Dudebro" in a nutshell.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.