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Thanks for wasting 10 minutes of my life. That was a horrible first thread. I could barely read it with the lines crossing eachother and all. What did you do? Type it up in Word and go over and over it again, because you were so scared to post it. You had to make sure it was perfect. In doing that, you copy and pasted it onto the thread and it broke the html code. Silly noob..

hahaha.. just kidding. Actually I've never seen you post ever, until I came back from my one year hiatus. From our chats back and forth, you seem to be pretty level headed and reasonable. You may come off as a prick sometimes, but you probably don't intend to. I've talked to you respectfully, because you come off as a respectable person.

Congrats on coming out of your shell. I know there are a lot of intimidating people on here. Especially 2 years ago. Most of the members on here had superiority complexes and needed to be in the limelight. Threads had to be well made and you would feel inferior if your thread had no replies. A lot of of those people have mellowed down and are just hiding in the shadows now.

Keep on carrying yourself the way you've been doing. You're a great member in this community.

Your words were touching...


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence