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Salnax said:
DonFerrari said:
BuckStud said:

Anyone who thinks this women should be fired for her comments is an insecure little boy who has yet to live in the real word.  I'm a man, not a boy in high school and I agree, games like these tend to demean women.  Is a comment like that really worth getting in a huge tissy over? 

Maybe she should also try living in the real world, go talk to the gangsters and see how much respect they have for women or life in general.

So, you're saying that games should be judged by the standards of gangsters?

I doubt she would have as much of a problem if the misogyny involved in the game was punished in-universe or something like that. But when bad deeds are simply glossed over, people get upset.

This is not just a video game issue. The same can be said for literature. In the Inheritance series, for example, the protagonist does terrible things and gets away with it, even being called a hero. We do not give the book a pass because of the author's standards. We bash it because we like to see evil be punished, or at least not rewarded in our non-tragedies.

Sorry for the delay... but your response is really bizarre... so you that in GTA bad behavior be judged??? Would be better not to play... and comparing video games to life is kind crazy even more when politicians are a lot worst than gangsters from the Movies (and games)... I would preffer having the corleone family rulling this country than our actual politicians... So in my opinion is abyssal to expect a game to punish based bad actions because that is what make you feel better, so not only mysognistic behavior should be punished but if the player pass a red light or anything like that he should receive a ticket and if he kill anyone he should go to jail and get a gameover, don't select what YOU think is moraly right or acceptable in a game from a array of things that you select (some crimes are acceptable and other aren't).

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."