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Kasz216 said:

I'm not sure what you mean, that's about exactly the kind of legs Monster Hunter has shown, about twice the initial sales..

To use VGChartz numbers (of which I'm usually skeptical, but numbers for older games eventually get changed to reflect what publishers have released in their reports):

Monster Hunter Portable launched with 140k and legged its way all the way to 1.31m. Almost ten times launch, but this was where the series started to take off so it's definitely not typical.

MHP2 launched with 793k and had lifetime sales of 2.52m, over 3 times first week sales.

Freedom Unite launched at 914k and all told did a whopping 5.37m all told, more than 5 times launch.

The closest it's come to doing twice initial sales was MHP3, which did 1.97m launch and 4.87m lifetime, which is still about 2 1/2 times launch.

And MH3U had aligned launches of about 623k and has sold 2.26m to date, better than 3 1/2 times launch.