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MDMAlliance said:
fatslob-:O said:
MDMAlliance said:

The United States and China are not Capitalist states.  Part of the reason China became such an economic power has to do with their population.

Last I check the way that they both do business is pretty much a capitalist system. They both do the whole free enterprise system. If a part of the reason why China became an economic power was because of a population then why isn't india having the same affect ?

I don't really hear people call it a "free enterprise system" so I had to look it up to make sure I knew what you were referring to.  One thing is that the definition where we fit as a "Capitalist system" is by a rather broad definition.  On Wikipedia, it says "Capitalism is an economic system in which capital assets are privately owned and goods and services are produced for profit in a market economy."

However, our system has elements of this rather than being exclusively this.  Not all capital assets are privately owned and not all goods and services are produced for profit.  Same goes for China.  

The reason why India isn't a major power has to do with the fact that India still heavily believes in their caste system, which is very anti-Capitalistic.  This, among with some other things here and there about their predominantly agrarian society also contribute.  I also should point out that I'm not saying that China's population is the only reason, there are many other factors as well.  

Maybe not all capital assets are privately owned but a large portion of it is.