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SSJGohan3972 said:
Very interesting and we will just have to wait to see. I think the PS3 has a chance to beat the Wii once the dust settles but as its post-gen I don't see how it matters. The Wii was amazing but its dead and Nintendo has moved on - the PS360 twins are still kicking and selling relatively well for their ages so from that perspective they already won - but then again Nintendo made so much profit on the Wii it isn't even funny.

however I fail to see the relevance. If the 3DS were to outsell the HD twins before they were able to outsell Wii (or if they were) what does that prove, how does that really affect anything?

Also the correlation between the Wii U and 3DS, while it is a good metaphor, is not quite based in fact. If the Wii U were to get the same percentage sales jumps that the 3DS got from its price cut and games influx then the Wii U would still be selling less than the 3DS was when it was being called a failure. Don't get me wrong I hope Nintendo can pull it out (and I'll be basking in the great games along the way) but they're going to need a turn around much larger than the 3DS one.

he just loves nintendo...