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RenSuzugamori said:
killerzX said:
nuckles87 said:
killerzX said:
gwrath said:
killerzX said:
nuckles87 said:
killerzX said:
nuckles87 said:


i identify as the color blue. please respect that.

and as long as he has an X and Y chromosome, he's a guy. deal with it.

People like yourself with no tolerance for others are becoming the minority. Deal with it.

oh i torerate people like him, but just because he has a disorder that inspired him to cut off his penis, doesnt mean i have to call him a girl.

I like being scientificly and biologically correct with my pronouns.


Nsanity said:

Sorry for being off topic, but what restrooms would she be allowed to use?

Given that she identifies as a woman....the women's restroom, obviously.

bold: sweet, i identify as a little girl. I guess that means i get to use the female locker room.

unfortuntately, this is actually the case. All i have to do is say im a women, and the PC, anti-science police/politicans will allow me to use the women's locker room.

I like that you think someone psychologically thinking they're something, is the same as you telling a bold faced lie to try and make a flimsy argument.

 I like how he he accused people who understand transexuality of being "anti-science" after I cited scientific evidence that he continues to ignore in favor of a childish argument that shows how little he actually grasps what he's talking about. I also find it quite hilarious!

Dude, either educate yourself or stop talking. Please.  Remember when you said I had no right to talk about gun control because I got a magazine and a clip mixed up? Well you said stuff way worse then that in regards to transexuality about five posts ago. It's getting downright embarassing. It's like your reveling in how little you understand it. Hell, I didn't even understand it that well because I've never concerned myself with transexual issues, and all it took me was a brief trip to Wikipedia to educate myself on some of the basics.