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yeah that's what I thought nothing consistent so far.... the consoles will be sold out on both side, so this season it will be pretty much down to who has the most supply.... next holiday season pretty sure there will be a major push with halo as usual... so I'm not worried , it will be tight.... at least way tighter than this gen was 90% of the way thinking otherwise and you are the one in denial....

but it's pretty clear that you don't really care to discuss sales or XB or video games in general, you just try to throw another bone to have people react and probably have them ban reporting them... this has been a trend of the likes of you lately.... I haven't even bothered reading your answer on the other thread and probably will do the same here, that's how much I care.... I'm not here to fight wars I don't care about the outcome anymore.... I'm just waiting for my console of choice to release with all the cool games I actually care for and all the extra goodies I'm willing to pay extra for... you don't, we've got that part but why do you care so much about what we want, think and discuss ???? it's not like it is a religion you must feel the need to preach for, or maybe you are on Sony's payroll or something... you guys remind me those Christian fundamentalist at abortion clinics or anti gay rallies....