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tbone51 said:
Euphoria14 said:

Understood, but it also makes my blue 3ds xl look like crap and the screen becomes off centered. That and I need to spend another $20 for it along with shipping, just for (1) game, (2) at the most since I own revelations, but I already finished that game.

Maybe when MH4 comes stateside they could bundle one with it.

I know your not biased just making a point most of 3DS software isn't made with 2nd analog and for $20 you can get one for people that need/want that second analog like me with RE Revelations! But in comparison to vita your force to buy memory which cost more than a second analog stick despite being ugly! Am I Right :-/

I bought a 8GB MC for the Vita when I picked mine up at launch. Cost me like $30 at the time. I don't buy digital either so I have no need to ever buy another.

That MC also works for each and every title I buy on my Vita. The same can't be said for that CCPro. I would buy it, play MH4 and then the thing would just sit there collecting dust. That is why I hope they at least bundle the thing, considering stores like Gamestop don't sell it for the XL. From what I can tell I can only order it straight from Nintendo.

Maybe they will be nice and answer my prayers.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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