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Damn. I have a feeling theres' a significant gap between Denpa Men and Animal Crossing on the eShop, but if MH4 surpasses Animal Crossing just a few days after launch... I mean, that's gotta be almost a million. Maybe over a million. A million digital sales in its first couple of weeks? In addition to (most likely) selling out physically? ....I would be astonished.

(According to this Polygon article analyzing Nintendo's April financial report, Animal Crossing: New Leaf had sold roughly 965k copies digitally by the end of April.)

EDIT: Iwata confirmed in June that Animal Crossing had exceeded 4 million sales (shipments+digital) in Japan. Assuming it maintained its roughly 25% digital ratio, that's over a million. This isn't confirmed, of course, but seems very likely. So it's safe to say that when Monster Hunter passes Animal Crossing on the eShop, it has sold over a million digitally.