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It’s no surprise that Sony and Microsoft has already started advertising for their next-gen consoles. The release is, after all, just a few months away.

However, one Microsoft ad has us (or at least me) scratching our heads. Over on Reddit, user IceBreak found this Xbox One ad on the side of a building and took a snapshot of it. The ad states the Xbox One was “Beta Tested in the Future,” which absolutely makes no sense — to me anyway.

Here’s the ad:

So, does this mean launch day buyers are beta testers, then? Or is Microsoft saying the Xbox One has thoroughly been tested enough that they can guarantee users won’t have a problem? I honestly don’t know.

What I do know is I don’t want another RRoD fiasco happening anytime soon. Let’s hope the Xbox One is built using sturdier stuff.


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence