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Ppl hoping for a WiiU game are setting themselves for disapointment. Do you think they will seriously drop the megaton bomb randomly on a monday via the pokémon's company website or twitter less than 1month before the big release of X/Y? That news would come at E3 or Nintendo Direct... Plus their next be release is less than 1month away, they need to build hype for this game, no way they would divert ppl's attention to a other game. And FYI, that 3D HD was clearly from a ''nomal'' pokémon game and not a fighting game. I have no idea why ppl think it's from a fighting game, you see Lucario on the bottom left corner facing his back to us and Blaziken on the top right corner facing us. What's so special about this? You know where else we've seen a pokémon facing away from us on the bottom left corner of the screen and a othe pokémon facing us on the top right corner? IN EVERY FREAKING POKÉMON BATTLE ON EVERY FREAKING MAIN POKÉMON GAME SINCE BLUE/RED! Why are ppl thinking it's a fighting game?!

Back on topic, probably a new pokémon/mega evo, or the announcement of an 3DS app that will compliment the game, something like a new pokédex.

Or some promotion. My dream is that everyone who preorders gets a Mew equiped with a mega-stone. Mega-Mew! That would be awsome aslong as mega-mew remains super cute just like the original :D


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)