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Kinect Sports Rivals, and the other hybrid games announced.

According to vg chartz, Kinect Sports 1 and 2 combined for about 7 million + sales. Not saying it is a system seller necessarily, but those are some impressive numbers for two games that a majority of 360 owners could not even purchase because they did not get a Kinect. Now that every Xbox One owner will have one, I can see this potentially selling very well.

It is more of a system seller than say Infamous (4.2 million between two games ... not sure if all the bundles counted for those as well). Kinect Sports hit nearly 8 million with a fraction of the install base.

Personally, I prefer the hybrid Kinect games more, but I'll probably pick up Kinect Sports Rivals ... just need to figure out how to arrange things so I don't have to move my furniture every time I want to play it though...