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kingofwale said:
^^ graphical power might not be the MAIN reason why N64 and GC failed, but the fact is, they failed. and Wii won, big time.

I see Nintendo focusing on what is working and change almost nothing.

Higher graphical power will force Nintendo to increase WII2's price and I just don't see that happening at all.

I see Nintendo making a barely HD console next time, probably 720P and close to 360's graphical power.

N64 failed because of cartridges, GC because PS2 came, saw and won.

What's working for Nintendo is the motion sensing, what's not working is the lack of GTA, CoD4, DMC etc. The big multiplat games. Nintendo knows that if they can keep the current wii audience but get the same quality multiplats there won't be a console war next time.

Don't forget that Sony and Microsoft won't make their next consoles very expensive, they saw it didn't work. Next year the PS3 technology is very cheap, so in 4 years it's very doable to make a console that's way beyond PS360 for a launchprice of 250.

Plus, being marketleader this gen has the benefit that all devs will want to produce for Wii-HD, so many 3rd party efforts will accompany the launch.