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JEMC said:
prayformojo said:
JEMC said:
prayformojo said:
Here is what I believe. The PS2 was a nightmare to code for and the UI was basically, nada. The Xbox, on the other hand, was easy to code for and had a dashboard, friends list, voice messaging, XBL, HDD, customized sound tracks during games etc. The PS3 was a nightmare to code for and the UI was very poor due to Sony not giving the machine enough OS ram. The Xbox 360, well, you get where I'm going.

I think the Xbone will have a better UI and it will run smoother because MS has been creating software since most of you weren't even alive. Sony's strength has never been software and I doubt it ever will. That doesn't mean PS4 won't have the best games etc, but if you're looking for quick and efficient apps, UI performance and integration across all things (smart phones, internet etc), you will want to own an Xbone.

Too bad most of us want a console to play games, not to look at the UI and how well it runs.

So do I but nothing, and I mean NOTHING is worse than a sluggish or clunky UI and OS imo.

But you/we must deal with the UI for what, 20-30 min when we buy and configure the console and once it's all set, less than 2 min. if we only want to play? That's nothing compared to the hours we'll spend gaming.

I understand that for you it's important, but for a lot of us it's not a big deal. Personally I don't care, and I have a WiiU with a slow UI...

But the UI and OS extends into everything we do. This isn't the PS1 days where you pop in a game, see a PS logo and that's it. Now, we rely on multitasking and doing more than one thing at a time. Lets say you're in a game, and a friend comes online, and you want to see what he/she is doing? On the 360, you push the guide button and BAM, everything is right there. On PS3, when you try to do this, it takes like 5 seconds just to load the damn thing. Want to buy a game on 360? You just scroll up and to the right to games. On PS3, you had to load up an APP, and then wait for 15 second just to get into the store. Once you were IN the store? Then you have to wait while things load. It's laggy, and annoying. What about when you get an achievement, and you want to view what it is? On 360, it's seemless, quick and easy. On PS3, again, you have to wait, and wait, then sync...let the thing load, THEN you finally get to see the trophy you unlocked. It's just, so unbearable.

Now, the PS3 definitely has the better library and imo, won this gen in that department, but for me? The UI and OS was just so damn bad, that it ruined half the experience. If this were the old days where our consoles just played games, none of this would matter, but times have change and I expect more.