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OK I have some thoughts about this:

1) It will be a lot stronger than PS3 and 360 and possibly come close to PS4/next Xbox. Reason: Nintendo always had a technically very competative console and they have enough money for good R&D on this one. Don't forget they had to make Wii this weak because then they could afford another GC like disaster.

2) It will be called Wii-HD. Wii has become a very valuable brand and the HD part makes it very clear what it is. Kinda like with the NES-SNES. It will take 4 more years for HD to be totally accepted and then Wii-HD will benefit from it.

3) It will come with WiiSportsHD. Why sell the best system seller ever as a seperate game and inflate the brand. They'll not produce a new WiiSports game until Nintendo's next console.