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Hey guys, sorry for the lateish update, but there's been a bit of big news yesterday. 

First off, the map for the game has been leaked. I will post a link to it here to avoid spoilers.


A couple things to note. To give some perspective, the city is very close to the size of that in GTA IV. So. Yeah. Also, there's a couple interesting symbols, like a parachute one. What could these be? And that lake in the middle is called a sea, so it's pretty big alright. Maybe too big? We will know soon!


Secondly, IGN has done an article on GTA PS4. Could be something to watch if you're into that! Here's the link, anyway:



So yeah. We're getting very, very close now to the launch. I've been looking for when the embargo lifts on the game, but Ive found nothing. However, keep checking back for reviews, because as soon as they're out, I will be here! 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.