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Max King of the Wild said:
fordy said:

The tile states "Who will look like the bigger fools over Xb One 2nd GPU?"

What better place to discuss fools acting on rumors. 

4D happened huh? Was that the choice dimension, perhaps? The PS3 is now a quantum computer and can process qubits? If you're going to use the time dimension as a point, you'll need to spefify where the PS3 can process an image based on input that will happen in future.

Yes, Sonys pr was almost as bad as MS pr was a couple months ago. But we arent talking about pr. You need to differentiate between the two. An official spokesperson of a company is not, and i repeat not, the official spokesperson of the fanbase. Stop reaching, you look kind of silly making these claims

Can you please link me the article where Sony PR said Saddam was using the PS2 for missile control?