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richardhutnik said:
Euphoria14 said:
richardhutnik said:

If I recall correctly, Electronic Fun had a computer game program in every issue people could enter in.  Ahh, those where the days.  And I did think Wind Waker looked real good back when it came out.  It reminded me of an animated movie.

You were probably older and not as young and dumb as I was when it came out.

I was caught up in the stupid stuff in those days. First I argued with kids in highschool about how Nintendo 64>Sony. Then I played PS1 and thought 
Holy Shit!", I fell in love with JRPGs. Still 100% loved Mario Kart 64 though. It's still my favorite title in the series.


Anyways, don't want to continue to derail your tread. Thanks for taking the time to respond to my posts.

To get back on track, I will make mention of how I was an Atari fanboy and hung out until the final days with my Atari 8bit computer against the evil Commodore empire.  I then did eventually get a Commodore 64, and my fanboyism died with that.  I went on to go PC later.

Nothing wrong with that, it only means you have been around the block. I am a PC guy myself, I just did not realize it. I spent 5 years total on DIablo 2 and would waste countless hours of work figuring out the best PVP setups. Never spent as much time on 1 game as I did with Diablo 2 (Other than SaGa Frontier on PS1. No matter what I do I can't ever get bored of that title. We NEED a SF3.)


Anyways, now I FINALLY got back into PC gaming.

Best decision I ever made.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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