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Jicale said:
It is very possible if the 2ds sells insane amounts, companys including Nintendo might just give up on adding 3d effects to their games. After all who would have thought when the 3ds came out, down the track they would release a 2d only version.

3D TVs have always sold better then HD TVs for same point in life spam

3D movies make up around 50% of box office sales with less then 10% of movies having a 3D screening, and 100% of movies having a 2D screening, with the 3D screenings only being up the first several weeks.

Do you honestly think the 2DS with NO earphone jack for 6.0 speaker surround sound (3D sound) and no 3D visuals is going to sell that much?

Besides, 240p SD (Standrd-Definition) 3D looks way more clearer looking then 2D 4K HD (High-Definition), and more anti-alising looking and more brighter & vivid & colorful looking. The fact that 3D has done more for images then HD says a lot. So forget about the three-dimensional look, how about the way more clearer looking image that is also more brighter looking and more vivid & colorful looking, that comes with the 3D effect being ON on the 3DS and 3D TVs on display at best buy and 3D Movies in theaters since Jack the Giant Slayer.