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I am just curious and interested in doing a little survey.  So I ask that people post what consoles they have owned in order of generation like so:

My past consoles:

Sega Genisis


PS2, Gamecube




I got the PS2 before the Gamecube, so it came first (On the left) in that gen.  How about you guys?!



EDIT after data gained:

Ok I think I have enough data to come to a conclusion on something.  On an IGN round table they were talking about what company has the upper hand and Colon came up with a great point:  "In general, there is no such thing as console loyalty."  

I think this thread has shown that this is correct.  Almost all of us have hopped between brands at some point and back and forth.  People buy the best product, not their favorite brand.

I didn't buy a PS3 because I loved my PS2 a ton.  I wanted a future-proof console with all the bells and whistles:  Blue Ray, HDD, Wifi, Bluetooth.  To get the equivalent on Xbox I had to pay ~$500 and I still only had 20GB and no Bluetooth.  So I got a PS3 a month after launch!

Same with PS4.  It has the games I want, lets me upgrade the HDD, has bluetooth,  and it costs the least.  No brand loyalty, just good products people.  My PSN stuff carrying over was just iceing on the cake!

P.S.  I am not saying the Xbox One is not a better choice for some people.  The point is the "Loyal Fanbase" argument needs to just die.