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Zappykins said:

I'm thinking cocaine should probably be legal too. But would probably disagree with Meth being legal.  It just eats up people lives, perhaps it's from the weird chemicals used to make it. 

I say legalize all drugs.  Otherwise how the fuck are you going to stop the Mexican drug cartels?  Legalizing drugs would demystify the drugs and usage rates go down with legalization.  The only reason why people say marijuana is a gateway drug is because you have to go to drug dealers usually to buy it.  Those drug dealers sometimes push other drugs.  People that go to the store to buy cigarettes aren't offered crack, meth or other drugs.  They are given cigarettes and sent on their way.  When you go to a drug dealer that sells weed he might suggest you trying another drug.  Make all drugs legal and end this pointless and costly drug war.  A business should be able to drug screen if they want to though.  If you don't want crack heads working at your job (even though it is legal) then you should be allowed to deny them.  You know who is the biggest pusher for keeping drugs illegal?  Private prisons and drug testing companies.  They have the most to lose.  USA leads the world in incarcerated people due to the drug war.  Drug war is a failure and Reagan's "legacy" should be forever shamed in pushing the war on drugs to new heights.