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Wow that really suck and really dumb.. i wouldnt be able to do it and have to find a new job. if someone was caught i can totally see why he would do it for liability reasons in the business you are in. If a part fails from defect, and the investigation has workers blazing, Lawsuit city. if he does a blanket test and fires everyone caught, it can protect him.

also, if you smoke every night to relax, the concentrations in your urine could be rather high and take a while to fully leave your system. Ive heard some reports say up to 28 days for heavy users. I dont know when your test is but I would say start drinking LOTS of water and grab some certo

and to answer the question, I wouldnt want to see alcohol prohibited again. Even tho i am a major marijuana user(although im lucky enough to be legal) i wouldnt want to make that trade. The dangers to society from banning booze is just to great. everything would go to hell

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz