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VG247 has a mini interview

VG247: While bringing The Witcher 3 to next-gen, have you had to make any changes to the game? Have any sacrifices had to be made to fit in with the business practices of Sony and MS

Marek Ziemak: No, it actually worked the other way around. We actually had loads of new opportunities because of the new platforms. We have got better equipment to play with and can now deliver more things in the game.

VG247: Earlier this year we saw Microsoft introduce various DRM policies on Xbox One that have since been overturned. Given your relationship with and the fact it places no DRM restrictions on its titles, what were your thoughts on the whole process? Did it put you off developing Witcher 3 for Xbox One?

Ziemak: Whenever we can, our approach is to create games without DRM. The Witcher 3 will be available on, day one, DRM free. But when it comes to consoles, well, we have to consider the platform we’re developing for. Of course we’re independent as a games studio but when developing for Playstation 4 or Xbox One; we have to work with console manufacturers. And in the end, the market makes the decision.

If people buy consoles with DRM restrictions and they are OK with it – because there are a mass of players who don’t care whether a game has DRM or no DRM restrictions – we don’t want to cut those players off. So yes, we will be delivering our products to Sony and Microsoft, despite talks of DRM. If it was possible to deliver a game DRM free on those systems that would be cool, we would love it as it would support our philosophy. But sometimes we have to work with manufacturers and respect their business decisions.

VG247: In a recent interview, CD Projekt members suggested that the team has already managed to max out next-gen systems. I found this a bit concerning as you’re aiming to launch The Witcher 3 very early on in their life cycle. I know the game will be dramatically intense on PC, but can you tell us just how much the game is progressing on next-gen platforms?

Ziemak: Sure. At this point, we’re advanced in testing, running and experimenting with next-gen platforms, and at this point we know the game is pretty demanding. Of course, we still have the authorisation phase in front of us, but because of size and density, we are already close to maxing out the equipment. Of course, if we find more workforce in boxes, we will surely use it to make the game even better. I think others share the same opinion as us, if there’s power to be used then why not use it all? [Laughs]

VG247: You’re currently in talks with Microsoft about cross-save opportunities between Xbox 360 and Xbox One for The Witcher 2 and Witcher 3. How are those progressing? For those who’ve played Witcher 2, what differences can they expect in Witcher 3?

Ziemak: To be honest, I don’t know how the talks with Microsoft are progressing in this instance. We’re looking for ways to allow people to load their save games from previous instalments and put them into Witcher 3. This isn’t problematic for PC as we’re in charge of that situation and control it fully. We’re investigating the possibilities of transfer between Xbox 360 and Xbox One, and if its possible, we will move ahead with that.

As for what to expect, players will be able to continue their progress, continue with the decisions made in storyline of The Witcher 2. They’ll also be able to collect some stuff from their inventory, such as gold, but we haven’t firmed up the full details yet. We’ll see. Things still need to fine-tuned and balanced.

VG247: Could you tell us how diverse the landscape of The Witcher 3 is and describe some of the environments players will get to see?

Ziemak: There’s a pretty huge diversity. The world is around 35x bigger than Witcher 2 and each location is different. We’re putting effort into creating unique elements in this world and producing various points of interest. We believe these things make a world more attractive and interesting. There are a few different kingdoms or relics you can visit as you travel through the game. All of them are connected and part of one coherent experience.

VG247: Final question. As we’ve come to expect from The Witcher series, the PC version will offer mod opportunities. From your experience with next-gen systems, do you think Xbox One and Playstation 4 will offer more flexibility for modding opportunities than current-gen?

Ziemak: I’m afraid I can’t answer this question yet. We haven’t spent too much time exploring this area as we’re trying to get the core product and core experience onto the platforms. From there, we will be trying to squeeze Red Engine 3 to allow modders to use this part of the technology. But it’s a very hard question and i’m afraid I can’t give you a clear answer at this time.

make sure to check out the full article


And keep in mind people using all the available resources doesn't actually mean the same thing as using the resources in the most effeciant way humanly possible. Just because a game is "maxing out" the systems doesn't mean there won't be better ways to use those resources in the future.

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Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!