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S.T.A.G.E. said:
Whoever thinks the Wii U is going to outsell the Xbox One is kidding themselves. 65 votes to 52? Someone doesn't like the truth or they are a fanboy.

Yep im a fanboy because I disagree with u about sales of a product that has yet to release. One will probably outsell Wii U in the long run but this thread is strickly about 2014.

Wii U+up to 8 games+extra controller+free online=$680

Xbox One+1 game+extra controller+1 year online=$680

To me the Wii U looks like a much better deal, im sure the average consumer feels the same way.

Looking at the games Wii U has slated for the end of this year plus next year, u will see 6 games that sell over 5 million on a consistant basis. 3D Mario, DKC, Wii Party, Wii Fit, Mario Kart and Smash Bros along with the already released Nintendo Land and 2D Mario plus Wii Sports and Zelda are strong possibilities for next year as well, bringing the total amount of games on Wii U that are either guaranteed or have potential to sell over 5 million to 10. Then add In the support titles like Lego City, Sonic, Yoshi, Pikmin, W101, Bayonetta, M&S Olympics, Wind Waker, X, SMTxFE, ZombiU, Monster Hunter, any multiplats and u have a solid library of games with strong appeal to Nintendo fans, kids, families, casuals and even hardcore gamers.

Xbox One has a great list of games releasing this year and next but the only problem is that most of those games are on anywhere from 2 to 6 platforms. One will share games like Crimson Dragon, Project Spark, and Titanfall with 360 which is half the price and has an install base going on 80m. Other games will be split up amonst One/PS4/PC/360/PS3/WiiU so those games wont have a huge impact on sales. Another thing is Xbox and Playstation fight for the same crowd of primarily 18-34 year old males and with PS4 being $100 cheaper plus being a more popular brand in Europe and Japan means it has a very strong chance of stealing that crowd from One.

Once the price comes down and PS360 support slows down then I see One outselling Wii U but in 2014 I see Wii U selling better due to price, big selling exclusives and appeals to more than one primary demographic.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.