First, misunderstanding of what the Dragon Age developer guy was trying to say. Obviously he meant that PS360 graphics will be subpar to nextgen and PC, but since X360 is the standard console of current gen in the minds of many his words slipped and he didn't add "PS3" until the end of the sentence. These guys don't give a rats ass about which current gen version looks better than the other, to them it's all the same. Their mind and focus is set on the nextgen. It's funny that people are so weak at reading people socially, that somebody actually made an article out of this.
Second, Dragon Age Inquisition will obviously sell much much more on next gen consoles than on PS360. It's so obvious. By late 2014 and 2015 when this game will get the majority of its sales current gen game sales will have dropped very low, just like PS2 game sales did back in 2007 and 2008. It's really all that needs to be said.