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kowenicki said:
Euphoria14 said:

"In Europe especially Windows Phone has seen promising growth, posting its highest ever market share of 8.3 per cent across the five major European markets – the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain."


Out of curiosity, maybe i've been out of the loop, but since when does UK, Germany, France, Italy + Spain = Europe? I am pretty sure you are omitting a lot of countries in Europe to make your point, which in the end is still a fallacy since it does not own 8.3% of the full European market like your post claimed.

No you are trying to make a point you cant.

In the 5 biggest smartphone markets, by far, the marketshare has double to 8%.  Thats it,  its simple.

Sorry it offends you and undoes countless posts you and others will have no doubt made in the past as to how windows phone was doomed to dramatic failure, but these are the facts. 

"Trying to make a point you can't"?

Says the guy who made a claim that is absolutely false.


It is also simple that those 5 markets do not back up what you claimed. That's it, it's simple. The proper argument here is that is gained 8.3% in those (5) markets and not in "Europe" since Europe consists of much more than just those (5).


Sorry for what? What makes you possibly think anything here offends me? I am only pointing out your fallacy. I could care less about what each smart phone OS does. You seriously need to step back a bit if you somehow got that from my post.

Let's keep this argument about which part(s) of your initial comment are true and not about me. Resorting to that is very childish Kowen.


P.S. I have always made positive posts about Windows Phones, especially the Lumia, so if you wish to make more claims in this thread please at least make (1) that holds some truth please? Thank you.

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