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painmaster212 said:

Point being as a country that's almost 17 trillion dollars in debt we do not need to stick our nose into this,why not let their allies do something? Some will agree some will disagree but remember its just my opinion!

The amount of money the USA owes doesn't mean anything.
It's the Debt to GDP ratio that's the important figure and guess what? It's still lower than during World War 2 where it peaked at around 113% Debt to GDP ratio and yet the American government paid massive portions of it down after world war 2.

The important thing you should also keep in mind is that the United States as well as a majority of the worlds other major economies (Minus Australia essentially) entered a recession, but didn't decrease spending, but in-fact increased spending in order to push the economy forwards which drove up that debt to GDP figure.
That's not a bad thing however, if the USA government decreased spending, there would be less jobs in *every* sector, the entire country would have been hit far harder and in the end you could have ended up with a worse debt to GDP problem than you have now.

When your economy recovers, then that debt is less of an issue as you can afford it.

I don't agree with everything your Government did however, handing out Trillions to companies who then lined the pockets of CEO's, the American government should have done a similar thing to Australia, that is... Put that money to Nation building projects to directly create jobs and new business's, not bail out companies, Australia is building a National Fiber Network for about 40 billion smacko's spanning a land area almost equivalent to the continental USA, it would take years and make a ton of jobs for instance.

Plus, being a sovereign nation you have tighter control over the finances anyway, debt isn't that important in the wide scheme of things, you could have twice as much debt as you do now and still pay it off by playing with inflation.

I do agree with most however that the USA needs to stop policing the world, it should be trying to protect it's borders instead, plus bringing the soldiers home saves money and American lives, which is never a bad thing.
However in regards to Syria directly, I think the world should take action, Hundreds/Thousands of innocent women and children are being killed by chemical weapons, regardless of what country you live in, it shouldn't happen, but the responsibility shouldn't also just soley fall on the USA, every developed country should help out.

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