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I have no factual basis for any of the following. I only have a hunch.


Many may have heard the recent rumor that Retro studios (Metroid Prime series) is making a Zelda spin-off. Many were dismayed at this news, hoping instead that Retro would be making the next Kid Icarus. The idea of Retro doing a spin-off of any kind doesn't quite fit right.

No it doesn't. Retro makes vast games and the idea of a spin-off seems like it would be a half-baked cash in on a popular series. I think something much larger is cooking here.

Nintendo has been known to shake up its franchises completely. They added an egg-spitting dinosaur to Super Mario, put Star Fox in an adventure game, turned 3d Mario into 2d (and then back again) and sent Mario into space.

Now it's Link's turn.

Any Zelda fan knows that you rarely play the same Link twice. Hyrule is constantly changing and the princess named Zelda just happens to be the name of the damsel in distress. The only connecting point is something about a green tunic and cap....and three golden triangles. And a bunch of weapons including: the Master sword, the boomerang, the bow, etc.

Okay...if you're still here...I'm about to lose you.

The next Zelda Wii, to be announced at E3, will be a futuristic take on the Zelda franchise, as imagined by Retro Studios. Just think of the strange digital lights that the enemies created in Twilight Princess. Think Tron in a techno wasteland. The grappling hook....will look strikingly similar to Samus' grappling beam. The boomerang...will be a disk ala Tron. The Master Sword...will be a beam sword (yeah....probably like a light saber, but it's not the only one).

Again....this is just a feeling I have. I don't see many other places the Zelda franchise could go...considering that Twilight Princess pretty much delivered on the realistic front (I wouldn't want it to get more realistic). Retro's involvement doesn't suggest it will be an FPA, but I think it does suggest it will not have the same pastoral look as other Zelda games.

So that's my E3 2008 Zelda prediction...for better or worse.


Other predictions:

Animal Crossing Wii: August
Pikmin 3: October
Kid Icarus Wii: November