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riderz13371 said:
Legend11 said:

 the PSEye has full body skeletal tracking, identity recognition, it can work in a pitch black room?  Come on son lets get real here, ff PSEye was better it wouldn't need the PS4 controller to have that ridiculous colored light bar on the front of it for example.  Kinect 2.0 can track the Xbox One controller without needing that.  It can track which parts of your body have pressure on them and can monitor your heart rate from across a room.  It can track your eyes and determine if you're distracted with something else.  It's really in another league when it comes to the technology and software packed into it.

Once Kinect 2.0's software and features are fully matured on Xbox One there will be no going back as we'll become so used to what it has to offer.  While Playstation 4 does push the envelope for graphics it's the Xbox One much like the Xbox 360 that will be the system that will bring the fundamental changes to gaming.  Indies which Sony can't talk enough about, well you can thank Xbox 360 for being the system that introduced them to consoles.  DLC, apps, XBLA, achievements, PC/Console multiplatform releases, etc, that's all thanks to 360 and the Xbox One will continue that fine tradition of bringing new things to console gaming.

Why would you play Kinect games in a pitch black room.

Hide and Seek: The Video Game, the Kinect killer app Xbox fans have been talking about.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!