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Legend11 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Legend11 said:
I have a feeling this will be like comparing PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (has a score of 74 on Metacritic and sales of 0.55 million) to Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Metacritic score of 93 and sales of 11.77 million) as in it's Sony's answer to the competition but it will be completely outclassed.

You have to remember that voice commands are a fundamental part of Xbox One and since Kinect is included with every system that feature will be seeing constant improvements and upgrades as the system matures. Kinect and its features have far more importance to Microsoft than the camera has to Sony (they didn't even think it was worth putting it in with the system) which is a pretty good indication of the amount of resources each will be putting into the feature.

How easily most forget, the PSEye will be $59.99, which means Sony strategically did not make the camera as powerful as it could because that is not what is needed for proper recognition. Its just low enough to enough to bundle it with the Move to have the ultimate next generation bundle for peripheral based games at $100 (watch and see). Sonys devices can already do leagues more than Microsoft's Kinect can, its just that nobody knows it unless its publicized greatly. This is Sony's only major flaw outside a lack of third party and first party support for the Move. Microsoft cannot outclass them when their objective was to make the best peripheral for gaming. They were way ahead of the Kinect and already know its drawbacks. The Kinect will remain in mini-game development hell (basically every game is on rails) unless MS copies Sony. The last PS Eye for the PS3 could recognize voices as well, its just that paid third parties to focus solely on their item for brand marketing.

So the PSEye has full body skeletal tracking, identity recognition, and can work in a pitch black room?  Come on son lets get real here, ff PSEye was better it wouldn't need the PS4 controller to have that ridiculous colored light bar on the front of it for example.  Kinect 2.0 can track the Xbox One controller without needing that.  It can track which parts of your body have pressure on them and can monitor your heart rate from across a room.  It can track your eyes and determine if you're distracted with something else.  It's really in another league when it comes to the technology and software packed into it.

Once Kinect 2.0's software and features are fully matured on Xbox One there will be no going back as we'll become so used to what it has to offer.  While Playstation 4 does push the envelope for graphics it's the Xbox One much like the Xbox 360 that will be the system that will bring the fundamental changes to gaming.  Indies which Sony can't talk enough about, well you can thank Xbox 360 for being the system that introduced them to consoles.  DLC, apps, XBLA, achievements, PC/Console multiplatform releases, etc, that's all thanks to 360 and the Xbox One will continue that fine tradition of bringing new things to console gaming.

You've just proven my point. Theres no need for all of that skeletal, sweat and gential tracking. Sony found this out after the first Eyetoy, when it comes to gaming with a peripheral device you must be able to exist in the 3D world and control or manipulate it. The Kinect can do neither as powerful as it is. I used the Eyetoy six years before the Kinect came out and even I knew of the drawbacks the Kinect had before it came out.