The real finishing touches to the world’s best strategy games is that door to infinite possibilities: modding support. Just stroll over to the Steam Workshop and gaze over the pages of mods for Civilization or any of the Total War games. PC bliss. So it’s a little bit of a disappointment that one of the closest strategy games to our hearts - XCOM Enemy Unknown - doesn’t have modding support. But don’t give up hope, this situation may not be forever. “Never say never” claim developer Firaxis.
More after the jump:
I hope they do add mod support, I would love to get more complex mods for the game. User generated content would go a long way towards expanding the longevity of the game. Especially a map maker as the limited number of maps is one of the key problems I have with XCOM vs the origonal seeing the same exact locations over and over really kills the replayability. Add a couple hundred more user created ones would be great.
Zoned Out: Eyes On With Survarium
Last week I finally got a chance to meet two heroes of the Stalker years, Joe Mullin and Oleg Yavorsky, who are now working hard as Vostok on the free-to-play shooter, Survarium. There’s an immediate tension when you mention the F word, and I think the legacy that resides in Survarium means that Vostok have to go that extra mile to prove themselves. Good looking shooters with a touch of persistence are becoming increasingly common in this new era. That said, Survarium is looking promising, and I was fascinated to see the game in play for the first time.
The ex-S.T.A.L.K.E.R. devs' new F2P game
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